JULY 6 TO 16

High education, chamber music and electronic music in the Roero

"The festival that will transform your artistic journey"

In the municipalities of Magliano Alfieri, Castagnito, Priocca, Monticello d'Alba, Castellinaldo, Govone and Bra

While remaining anchored in traditions, we look forward, and for this, we imagine and work for a future of convergence in the arts, in a program rich in interactions and aiming at the stability of a unique "High Education in the Roero" hub.

The educational offerings of MACF si contaminates with other disciplines without forgetting its origins, those of High Musical Education, with the aim of supporting young talents in their intellectual and professional growth in an area of immense creative and energetic strength, the Roero.

educational offer

Instrument MasterTopclasses, jazz improvisation workshops, music for images and music therapy

click on your instrument and go to Masterclasses


A rich program aimed at young musicians that offers an opportunity for training and professional growth in contact with internationally renowned masters

String masterclass

Winds masterclass

Piano, Music Composition for Imagery, Improvisation and Workshops


July 6 to 16 among the hills of the Roero

All MACF concerts are free admission upon registration


Thanks to the collaboration between the association Le Arti Riflesse and the municipalities of Magliano Alfieri, Castagnito, Priocca, Monticello d'Alba, Castellinaldo, Govone and Bra, the festival promotes Masterclasses of High Musical Perfection in an extraordinarily beautiful cultural and rural setting, the Roero.

The "Give a masterclass as a gift" supports the most disadvantaged young musicians, guests of the Baccarelli Foundation in S.Paulo, Brazil, by offering online masterclasses led by the artistic director and masters of the Festival. Selected young people will have the opportunity to learn from a professional and receive support for their musical journey.