July 8 to 13, 2025
Pupils will participate in 5 individual lessons and some orchestra rehearsals, specially formed for the course and named "Chamber Orchestra of the Magliano Alfieri Classic Festival"
Course Cost Single Instrument
- Registration 100.00 euro(non-refundable)
- Masterclass fee 350.00 euro
- Shuttle transportation 50.00 euro (for the entire duration of the festival)
Auditor - 150.00 euro
To make the pre-registration and subsequent registration, it is necessary to fill out the following form.
The place will be confirmed according to order of precedence and with registration payment and then reconfirmed after payment of the masterclass fee.
*If the student cannot attend the Masterclass for health reasons, reimbursement will be made by presenting a medical certificate excluding the registration fee of Euro 100.00. In case of cancellation of the Masterclass by the Festival, the fee including registration will be refunded.
Enrollment deadline June 10, 2025
In order to reserve your spot you will need to complete registration and make payment by the date indicated
Agreed hospitality at Casta Hotel with overnight stay and breakfast included
Single room 50,00 €
Double room 70.00 € (for two people)
Triple room 90.00 € (for three people)
It will be possible always at the Casta Hotel Restaurant to have meals at the agreed price of Euro 15.00 (fifteen) with compulsory reservation
The cost of hospitality should be personally adjusted by the students with Casta Hotel.
For more details: www.castahotel.it
Or 0173 211904
Lunches at Da Stefano Paganini restaurant at Magliano Alfieri Castle, will be offered to students at the price of Euro 15.00(fifteen) with reservations required
She bus/shuttle provided by the MACF Festival will be available to take students from the Casta Hotel to Magliano Alfieri Castle (and vice versa) for the lectures, and also to the places of the evening events at the times predetermined times at a cost of Euro 50.00 (fifty)
To pre-register for the Magliano Alfieri Classic Festival courses, the following form must be filled out.
Registration will be considered completed upon payment of the registration fee by bank transfer.
Below is the information needed to make the payment:
Letterhead: The Reflected Arts
IBAN IT25 Z030 6909 6061 0000 0169 598
Reason for payment: Course registration Magliano Alfieri Classic Festival, course name, Last and first name (student)